Monday 2 August 2010

Entered, and last big training sesh done

Quite scary to actually see my name on the start list. As it stands, top 3 placing in age group guaranteed! And top 10 in all the women there...

Unfortunately I seem to be really quite busy this week...wish there was more time to make lists and plan eating and listen to cyclosecrets CDs about breathing and mind stuff...but going to have to pack tomorrow ready to leave for campsite at 1pm Thurs...out all day/night Wed...need to remember to wash run shoes and stuff them - got totally saturated and muddy yesterday...and try and glue wetsuit up...and plan some appropriate meals that are also possible to sort whilst camping...must check washing machine as I think it's got a load in there that hasn't made it out...might have stuff I need...stomach's starting to churn thinking about it.

Sunday 1st August 2010
bike-run , 4pm
bike - 2.5hrs - Thrunton - Rothbury - Thropton - Callaly - whittingham - Lemmington - Thrunton. Not sure how many miles - 25-30?
The first problem was I'd forgotten my bike shoes...weird feeling of not being properly strapped in! managed surprisingly well considering. It's a long slog up to Cartington, before Callaly - ages since I've been up that road. After Whittingham the rain started - by lemmington bank it was absolutely hoying it down...water was oozing out of my running shoes by the time I made it back to Thrunton!
run - 1.5 hrs, orange route - down to bottom and along, long but runnable haul up, still on fire road, steep climb up castle hill, drop down to next valley, steep climb up again, across moors, long undulating fire road back..stopped raining for most of it. Managed pretty well.

Monday 2nd aug 2010
sea swim - I'd wanted to get one open water in before Sunday as haven't been in for a few weeks - didn't manage much distance though as it was so choppy.

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