Wednesday 31 March 2010

Tuesday 30th March 2010

Cyclospeed - advanced abs (half hr) 2pm

Cyclospeed - circuits 1 and 3 - half hr- 8pm

Out on the bike - around Keswick

Having earmarked this weekend as a possible 'training away' weekend - I nearly didn't bother. I'd done so little training in previous 2 months, I didn't feel it was worth the effort and cost of travelling with so little fitness. On the Thurs night I offhandedly remarked to my younger son, who has always hated camping and being in a vehicle any length of time, 'don't s'pose you'd want to go away this weekend anyway, with not liking travelling...'. I was shocked at his response of 'yeah, great, I really feel like travelling, let's climb Catbells, can we stay at that campsite with the cafe that does big breakfasts?!!' The key factor for him was that his big brother wouldn't be going! So I borrowed Dad's van (which has a diesel heater - makes all the difference in March), and off we went on Saturday morning, excited that son number 2 might get to like camping (of a sort) afterall - which in the scheme of my life/family would be very useful!

It's always exciting, seeing the mountains of the Lake District loom as you head west. Having arrived and had a cuppa, I was off on my bike for the first time this year...unfortunately, I'd forgotten the bike pump, so went via a bike shop in Keswick (must go back there - rather nice sales chap and cafe!)(there are lots of nice mountain bike chaps - perhaps I'm in the wrong area of the country!). ...And so off on the hilly section of Keswick Tri bike route on the far side of Derwent Water (along Catbells in fact). I wanted to try this as I wimped out of a horrible looking hairpin in the event last year. (hadn't reckied it)'s very steep leading into it - and an extremely tight 180 degrees round...looks're thinking 'if it's that steep going into it and you lose speed going round the bend, how on earth will I stay on the bike'. But in fact, I found out last year that once round the bend, the road is nowhere near as steep. So I kept going - with the added incentive of a mountain biker not far in front of me, and made it - and cheered! After that it's a lovely undulating ride above the lake, great views..more boring coming back on the Keswick side of the lake - and more cars too - then back through town - and up the steepish hill out of Keswick towards Ambleside. This hill was exhausting - didn't think i was going to make it on current fitness - but did - including turning off near the top to the campsite - which was even further uphill. So very pleased for a first time out.

Sat 27th March 10
Bike - hilly, about 1 hr 15.

Sun 28th Mar 10
Walked up Catbells - ran odd bits here and there.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Getting wet!

Wed 24th March 2010

Swim - 50 mins - informal tri pool sesh, using a stick up schedule

200m relaxed warm up, mix breast stroke and FS

300m FS (1 min rest)
350m FS (1min)
400m (2 min)
200m more relaxed
2 x 100m catch up/slow motion/BS - generally gliding and enjoying being back in the water after long time out!

1450m total

I was really nervous before I went in, having done no swimming since beginning of Feb - had this fear that I couldn't do it! But after re-discovering floating and being wet I enjoyed it and wasn't too bad! Nice to swim with others, but not in a busy session too...will do next Wed aswell, as no choir for a few weeks. In fact, I don't think I'll do choir this next term - as last year - to optimize being able to train in the light evenings - also I've sung Carmina Burana a couple of times before. So will do Wednesday pool swimming until the Thur lake swims start in mid may. might do Mons aswell for a few weeks - blitz it back into some sort of shape before focussing more on open water. Though the aim is to get our toes in the sea a week tomorrow - aaaaghh (well that's my aim - others have this idea about actually swimming....)

Tuesday 23 March 2010

trying to get going again...

Not easy - after 6 weeks of illness. But I am, finally, ok. Can't believe it took so long - and that was on the full dose of Hammer Premium Insurance Caps - multivits. (7, as against my usual 3-4caps). Even went to docs - nout they could give to kill the bugs - said i'd been re-infected. Occupational hazard of working with lots of 2-3 year olds I guess. High cost for such low pay though.. thought I'd better not go too hard too soon. Not sure what to do about vaguely earmarked training weekend this weekend yet.

Tues 23rd March 10

Cyclospin 3 - 'Cottage of Wattage' - 70 mins - based on shoe scraper technique.

short run - 10 mins, as a brick session ie straight after being on the bike, so jelly legged. 5 x round footy field at end of road.

Sunday 7 March 2010

getting seriously silly..

and very frustrating..

I've relapsed into being ill again - fluey Thurs onwards - not wholescale flu - but feels worse than a normal cold...still at work, but nout else, not even strength and flexibility stuff, as my head's weird and balance off.

Might have to resort to doctors and get something horrible to kill it..give it another couple of days..

Tuesday 2 March 2010

A run at last!

And what a beautiful clear blue winter's day it was for it too..especially on the beach. Felt ok - hard to not put more effort in eg farlek or hills - but didn't. Did a bit of Cyclospeed this evening aswell - as it's my day not at work, I missed the intended swim both last night and this morning, and i wanted to make the most of it being Tues.

Tuesday 2nd march 10

short relaxed run - 10am 0.5 hr, along back trail to Amble then back along beach to Warkworth.

Cyclospeed circuit 1 and most of circuit 2 (conked out and also dinner ready!) 6.30pm 0.5 hr (bit of warm up from spin 3, but buffering problems - added some abs)
felt strong on the Hindu Squats anyway!