Thursday 25 March 2010

Getting wet!

Wed 24th March 2010

Swim - 50 mins - informal tri pool sesh, using a stick up schedule

200m relaxed warm up, mix breast stroke and FS

300m FS (1 min rest)
350m FS (1min)
400m (2 min)
200m more relaxed
2 x 100m catch up/slow motion/BS - generally gliding and enjoying being back in the water after long time out!

1450m total

I was really nervous before I went in, having done no swimming since beginning of Feb - had this fear that I couldn't do it! But after re-discovering floating and being wet I enjoyed it and wasn't too bad! Nice to swim with others, but not in a busy session too...will do next Wed aswell, as no choir for a few weeks. In fact, I don't think I'll do choir this next term - as last year - to optimize being able to train in the light evenings - also I've sung Carmina Burana a couple of times before. So will do Wednesday pool swimming until the Thur lake swims start in mid may. might do Mons aswell for a few weeks - blitz it back into some sort of shape before focussing more on open water. Though the aim is to get our toes in the sea a week tomorrow - aaaaghh (well that's my aim - others have this idea about actually swimming....)

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