Tuesday 23 March 2010

trying to get going again...

Not easy - after 6 weeks of illness. But I am, finally, ok. Can't believe it took so long - and that was on the full dose of Hammer Premium Insurance Caps - multivits. (7, as against my usual 3-4caps). Even went to docs - nout they could give to kill the bugs - said i'd been re-infected. Occupational hazard of working with lots of 2-3 year olds I guess. High cost for such low pay though.. thought I'd better not go too hard too soon. Not sure what to do about vaguely earmarked training weekend this weekend yet.

Tues 23rd March 10

Cyclospin 3 - 'Cottage of Wattage' - 70 mins - based on shoe scraper technique.

short run - 10 mins, as a brick session ie straight after being on the bike, so jelly legged. 5 x round footy field at end of road.

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