Wednesday 9 June 2010

How to balance everything...???

SO hard!

Was really wobbly yesterday (not in work tuesdays) - more time in house, so aware how horrendously lacking in any attention it is - kids needing/taking more emotional attention/energy than sometimes this week - backlog of paperwork for work - and this really tough event to train for - should I really be doing it? is it taking/going to take to much time and energy?

And a new thing to balance is (partly thinking more about it as it was in a cycloclub podcast today) - the fact that I need to train harder - and longer/(more ?) - with not only available time - but the fact that my body is more tired from the higher intensity of training.

So today on my calendar (haven't got round to putting this week's training plan down here) was cyclospeed circuits and running field circuits. But I was really tired after a really tough session on the bike last night - did 10ish hilly miles followed by a timetrial (in the rain/fog) where I felt I pushed harder than I have before (although I usually do feel that!) - felt a wee bit stronger and able to push a bit harder I think...not that my time reflected - wasn't slower, but not quicker either - but then, it was difficult conditions and I slowed for the lights at the Gardens roadworks - which were on red - would have ploughed straight through, but there was a car stopped in front of me, which I dithered about overtaking in case the lights changed...and i had no-one to chase, as I was the only woman out, with a bunch of fast chaps! So what to do? Thought about a gentle run round the field - but couldn't face going out...decided on cyclospeed bonus abs - and as I had that DVD in, had a look at the PNF bit for the first time - ended up doing it - sort of an intense very specific thing..quite good.

So I think I might need more intense/longer sessions of training - but with longer recovery periods in between..

Tuesday 8th June

medium bike- 5.45pm 25 ish miles, bit less? 1 hour hilly but fairly relaxed ride, focussed on technique on hills - shoescrapers, scissors and standing. Also tried to manage in not absolute granny gear as much as usual!
Timetrial - usual club route, 12ish miles, undulating. 46mins something (hoped it'd be quicker)
cycle home - slowly - knackered! Felt a bit nauseous later - must've worked hard! (2 hrs 15ish )
cyclocore - warm down - 15 mins

Wed 9th June

sea swim (9am) - still a bit headachy after last night, but very invigorating 20mins in very choppy sea sorted me out! In drizzle too.

cyclospeed - advanced PNF - 20 mins/ bonus abs )10mins

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