Friday 30 July 2010

This time next week.....

I'll be myself...that's if my entry's been received. Had to post it in the end, as having got a free place for Helvellyn, even though Rob at Trihard put my name on the entrants list, the site thinks I haven't paid for it and is trying to charge me for both I've posted a cheque and letter...

So my last week of 'big' training is almost more session to go on Sunday...a long bike-run brick at Thrunton..but a shorter route than last Tuesday, when I thought I was going to be out 3ish hrs, but it was about 4hrs, and didn't leave enough time to run as planned, as I'd arranged to meet my sister...and it was getting dark..

That was a hard ride too - not as hard as last Sat round 'the' route - but harder than Helvellyn...with the exception of the Struggle...started from Thrunton Woods..long but not too steep climb to main road (hard when not warmed up yet), left onto main A697 then right to Rothbury. Climb quite steeply, but in sections so able to rest a bit, then the long and lovely fast down past Cragside, climb again (surprisingly steep) before dropping into Rothbury, past the now renowned turn to 'the Stepping Stones'...the stand off between Raul Moat and the police, ending in him shooting himself, contaminating the lovely memories of many hours of tiddler fishing by the stones..straight on through Rothbury and up out towards Thropton. Through the village, then a few miles of relatively easy biking before quite a steep climb after Caistron little lake thing...which I thought was the start of 'Billsmoor' , a name I've heard mentioned many times, but have never ridden. But it wasn't...just yet another hill - quite steep. But did eventually get to Billsmoor - there's quite a steep but not all that long section up to what is labelled 'Billsmoorfoot' - I should've realised by the name that there was more to come - but I thought 'Oh - was that it then?'! The next bit looked - and was - ok - not as steep - but a long and at times steeper, section was out of site just beyond, and this was harder work. Got there eventually - lovely evening light on the moors around - lovely views. Then drop down into Elsdon village - very pretty. Cycled round - and round it - looking for turn off up to 'The Gibbet' - which i was directed to eventually by a passer by (you have to go out of village towards Newcastle and the turn is just after the humpback bridge..). The hill out of Elsdon is quite steep - but not that long and certainly manageable - easier than Billsmoor. And then there's a long, straight, undulating - presumably Roman - road - with incredible panoramic views - right over to coast, aswell as down towards Tyne valley and beyond...and in the clear evening light too - magical. Eventually I got to a T junction 2 miles from Cambo - but turned the opposite way signed 'Rothbury 10 miles' - felt longer! Was getting tired. I thought it would be less hilly. It wasn't. There was a hard climb up to Forestburngate (?something like that), and another up after the turn to Simonside...and another up before the drop to Rothbury. I was now wondering how I was going to find the energy to get back to Thrunton...not exactly flat! Made it eventually - after 4 hours - on 3 hrs of fuel.

Tuesday 27th July 2010

long bike - 38 miles hilly - 4 hrs - 4pm

Thursday I braved Glenress with a carload of teenage boys and mountain bikes - so running for 2.5 hrs in the woods where I saw no-one the whole time - was blissful!! Pretty hilly. Some pretty bits. Some lovely views across the vallies in various directions. And some very boring and difficult to run on sharp, loose rocky fireroad towards the end...lots of foxgloves and meadowsweet..

Thursday 29th July 2010

long run - 2.5 hrs ?miles - probably not more than 8 or 9..a bit lacklustre..only had water with me..

Sunday 25 July 2010


Can't do it.

Been at Hardraw, stopping with a friend at the folk festival - for me, the aim being to do the whole bike route followed by the whole run route.

I did do the bike route...but was totally out of it at the end - went into flat in Hardraw where running shoes were, sat down, and fell asleep for 2 hours. Absolutely out of it!

I had done an extra 6 miles or so - to get from Hardraw to Semer water, where the swim is..the first half of the route - up through Askrigg, over the tops to Swaledale, back over the tops again to Hardraw..felt ok. I'm clear in my head that I'm walking much of the steep stuff...i can acually manage some of the steep sections - in isolation - or if there were only a few in the ride...but they take too much out of me to then manage the whole ride, let alone the whole tri. So, I'll definitely be walking the first hill from Semer water (25%). Onto Askrigg..on Saturday, of the 6 parts, I 1.walked (25%), 2.walked (?20%) 3. rode (17%?) 4.walked (20%?) 5. rode (17%?) 6.walked (14%?)....but thinking about it as I walked up the last less steep section, I shouldn't have ridden part 5, and saved my energy to ride part 6, which was longer but less steep. And in retrospect having done the whole ride, I think I probably need to walk part 3 aswell, to preserve energy. Partly it's needing to make sure I take less than 5 hrs to bike overall. But the chain having fallen off at the bottom of the fast descent back into Hardraw off Buttertubs - you immediately have to go uphill again and I messed up changing gears, I was covered in oil, so stopped off at the flat to wash my hands, go to loo, and grab a couple of chocky biscuits, as I was flagging a bit. But it was then hard to get going again, and I struggled to keep a good pace on the longish main road stretch to he Garsdale Station turn. Didn't even bother to attempt riding most of the stretch up to the top after the station - but struggled with staying focussed and energised...the walk up seemed to go on for ever. After dropping down to Dentdale there's a really gentle pretty section along the valley..I kept going ok, but was feeling lacklustre, when this should have been a bit to push on a bit...but then again, maybe I need to accept this is a bit to take it easy. The climb out of Dentdale is then such a was really low. And focus all over the place! I did however push hard and fast the 7 miles back to Hardraw...quie fun! In total, it took 5 hr 2 mins...but without the chain incident and handwashing, and also a few stops for photos..probably would go down to 4hr 45? I had relied on 1 bottle of 6 scoops of perpetuum (3 hr bottle), and 1 of 2 scoops HEED - so guess I was an hour short on fuel....that perpetuum is pretty disgusting though - and it's a long time with only that as main fuel. Might try bananas too...though at least on the day, we don't start til 10am, so time for some breakfast early on - which emotionally will make a difference. Need to gear myself too for really good nights sleep leading into it, and eating well days before.

So this morning (Sun) I did the run - right to the top of Shunner Fell this time (it was in cloud, and the path was flooded when I was there at end of may). Much easier than the Hellvellyn run. Not as steep...then undulating. Mostly runnable, though I took it very easy today, on the basis that I'm going to be too wrecked on the event to run much! Took 3 hrs 20 today - but need to add on the 3 mile return to Hawes...and take off the half hr or so I spent chatting to various Penine way walkers!! So probably about 3.5 hrs. So it's unlikely I'm going to break the 9 hr barrier altogether.

Tactics for surviving? - I'm going to see if Mash will do the run with me. And I'm going to ask various people (Colin, Bec, Mash, kids) if they'll stand at strategic parts of the bike route to encourage and offer banana etc..

And training....need to do more length on the bike - followed by runs of whatever length..I think length not hills is where I'm most lacking...

Saturday, 7.30am - long hilly bike, 50miles, 6 ish hrs

Sunday, 8am - 9miles fell run, Shunner Fell.

It's much harder than Helvellyn. Which took just under 3 hrs, despite being only 4 miles shorter.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

gonna be such a struggle!

Well, always was - just hoped it would've been slightly less so than it will be! Not managing to keep to training plan. It's too tiring....and there's the rest of life to squeeze in too!

Sat 17th July
Steep hilly bike 9.45 am - 20ish miles - Bradwell - turn right at Hope into Edale valley, up Mam Tor - says it's 10% - but it's definitely steeper...if I hadn't done it last year, it would've been hard to make myself keep going...(shows the role of the head!) - and long too...down Whinnats Pass to Castleton then up Syggats hill out the back of Castleton - steep to start with - says 14%, but feels much steeper than the 14% hill out of Keswick! - then keeps climbing but less steeply for ages, which was totally knackering. Dropped down the 20% into Bradwell. Was raining.

3.30pm - short but hilly run - Ladybower/Derwent Reservoir - from main car park followed red route steeply up to Hagg Farm, then across moor top with views of Kinder Scout, and dropped back down to lake and back along to car park (40mins, 3miles ?); then black route - same hill up to Hagg Farm, but left and along then drop down again - 20 mins, 2 miles?

Sunday, 18th July 2010
Hathersage Triathlon
Felt relaxed and happy-ish throughout! Had fun supporting sister in her first tri. Was torrential rain when we registered at 6.20 am. Sister's swim was at 7.46am - mine not til 9.22 - but briefing was at 7am. Hard keeping warm. Was very laid back in swim - probably explains why my time was a minute slower than I'd hoped - was only doing about 100m in 2m 30 - not good - but the atmosphere wasn't exactly of serious swimming! So there was no rush at length ends... did 10m 30 I think (min slower than 2 yrs ago). Bike was great fun, though a shame it was wet on the road and still a bit drizzly, though much less so than earlier. Froggats Hill felt alot easier than in previous years - even managed to use gears other than ultra granny! The main difficulty is it goes on for so long...4 miles ish I think. Did 55 mins something - better than 2 yrs ago by couple of mins. Then the run felt easier than previous attempts - less painful anyway though still very hard - time slow - 47mins ish - disappointed. Overall did 1 hr 57 ish (?) - slower than 2 yrs ago - bummer! So run must have been lots slower - couldn't find time for it - but it swim was a min slower, and run 2 mins faster, most time mustve bee lost on the run...

Wed 21st July 2010
9pm - cyclospeed - circuits 3,2,1 then zen stretch. 45mins ish. Would've trained earlier, but didn't get in til 7..

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Right - going for it...!

I know - keep chopping and changing - not good preparation. So that's 3 weeks training - only 2 really full on. Oh. That's not alot. Certainly not enough.

So what should my priorities be? Not doing a sprint tri on Sun! Guess I ought to take advantage of being in the Peak District and do Wensleydale training on the Sat...stuff the fact that an event is happening on the Sun. Think I'll aim for a half length steep bike ride followed by a 12-13 mile run. I'll try and get up early on the Sat, so there's time to rest and relax in the afternoon and evening..

Just persevere with steep hill repeats, and spin sessions for muscular endurance...and get in some full 13 mile runs, a few following bike sessions.

Thurs 15 July - Lake swim - to birdshit, up to far end, back to birdshit, back to jetty (1800 - 2000m ish); Spin session on bike - not sure which yet

Sat 17th July - 20ish miles steep hilly bike followed by 12 hilly run, in Peak District - route to be decided

Sun 18th July - Hathersage sprint tri - 430m pool swim, 20k hilly bike - focus on pushing hard (breath training), 7k hilly run (survive!)

Tue 20th July - hilly bike - 30miles, short run (half hr)

Wed 21st July - spin session followed by at least 2 (2nd and 3rd) cyclo speed circuits

Thurs 22 July - lake swim - birdshit - top end - bird shit - jetty

Sat 24th July - At Hardraw - full bike route (42miles, steep hilly), followed by full run - 13 miles fell run

Mon 26th July - bonus abs - active recovery session

Tues 27th July - bike - hill repeats for 90 mins at lemmington bank then timetrial

Wed 28th July - 13miles hilly run

Thurs 29th July - lake swim, spin session

Fri 30th July - long hilly bike (40 miles)

Sun 1st August - 20 mile bike - 10m run (bike to Thrunton, run, bike back?)

review and see where at or last 2 days before tapering.

Wed 14th July 2010
tri pool session - 200m warm up, 800m (1 min rest), 600m (1 min rest), 400m , warm down
about 2000m altogether

Tues 13th July 2010
cyclo zen - strength

Sunday 11 July 2010

Where was everyone?

Went for a long run in Thrunton woods - didn't see a soul! Could've understood it before Raul Moat shot himself in Rothbury the other day...guess it was late afternoon...lovely run - especially the bit across moorland after you go right off the orange route onto the red. Amazing panoramic views of Northumberland. Heather just starting to flower. Wasn't nearly as exhausting as when I did the same run a couple of months ago with sister and friend...despite being on antibiotics for eye infection, and feeling on the edge of a cold...

Was feeling today like I really ought to just do Wensleydale - don't feel like I'm doing it - but also don't feel I'm not! Will make a firm decision when I'm down there in a couple of weeks...might contact them to see what the latest I can leave making a decision is...

Sunday 11th July 2010

4pm - long run - Thrunton woods - 10miles, hilly - felt good - about 2 hr 20 mins

Saturday 10th July 2010

Sea swim - 9.30am - about 45 mins - swimming for longish bursts, as I was by far the slowest swimmer.

Friday 9 July 2010

beautiful beach

Well, that is what Northumberland is best at! So good to take advantage now and then with a sunset run on the sand and up and down the dunes.

Thursday 8th July 2010

run - 1hr 4 mins - Warkworth car park - Alnmouth South dunes via beach, golf course and caravan site, back through dunes to start with, then onto path.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Murderer on the rampage...

Rothbury's been cordoned off due to a murderer's car having been found there, so I didn't go out on my planned bike training session this evening, which was annoying. Was going to go to Lemington bank, with enough time to go up and down a couple of times. As it was , Graeme came to the rescue! Did a spin session, some cyclo speed and an abs session.

Monday 5th July - tri pool sesh - 1 hr - first time in the pool in ages. Felt luxurious, really enjoyed! Hadn't deteriorated too much time-wise, though took a while to setle into rhythm of bi-lateral breathing.

100m slow warm up
50m backstroke, 50m FS x2
2 x 50 kick
2 x 50 pull with pull buoy
4 x 100m on 2min 30ish (100s mostly took 1min 50-55, so pleased)
100 finger trail drill
4 x 100m on 2min 10 ish (100s mostly around 2 min)

there was more but can't remember

Tues 6th July 2010

Spin class 7 - 'accelerations' - 1 hr - knackering
cyclospeed circuit 2 - 10 mins
bonus abs - 10mins
warm down stretch - 10 mins

Pulling out (?)

It's almost a decision....but hard to make it quite real..big part of me still wants to do it...but I just have no money at the moment. On top of lacking the required training. Just been so hard to find enough energy in the time I have. If I'd been training loads, I'd probably find the money from somewhere - but don't feel justified in borrowing it in the circumstances. Been stressing lots about money - and just have to make cuts.

I think I'll carry on this blog though, til after Helvellyn - as I am now officially entered, courtesy of having marshalled a Trihard event last weekend - 'A Day in the Lakes'. Arrived at 9ish on the Fri evening at the campsite and wondered what on earth I'd landed in - 6 receptionists and a queue of folk wanting to book in...bit like a holiday camp - loads of noise! But the tri event had it's own field, with a track down to Ullswater. Next morning, I set off on my bike towards Glenridding - and on passed, though Patterdale and up Kirkstone Pass. (where Helvellyn tri comes down). And no, I didn't manage to bike it all...but did large chunks of it, with a few stops to catch my breath. Walked most of the last bit, which is steeper. Then stopped and had my sandwich looking down the Struggle, wondering how the hell I'd managed to bike up that! And so back down to Glenridding, where I locked the bike up and set off on the 'run' (Helvellyn tri route). I'd forgotten how hard it was! And it was such a hot day too. Bits of my shoulders where I hadn't quite reached with sun cream, got burnt. What a slog up that first bit...which I didn't run any of. Had a lie down and another sandwich at the top, and nearly fell asleep, listening to skylarks...then set off on the only pleasantly runnable part to the approach to Swirral edge. chatted to a woman a bit..then to confront the fear of the rock climb..the main aim of the day. Actually, the scariest bit is not the final climb - but getting over a jutty out bit with very narrow footing just before the final climb. Saw a woman having a panic attack. But I held my nerve - watched a few others just ahead, and followed the event organiser's advice, having chatted to him that morning, of keeping left - don't go straight up. And got there ok. Even took a few photos on the way..

By the time I made it back to my bike, I was absolutely knackered - and still had to bike 10+ miles back - I only just made it to the pub in Pooley Bridge by 7pm, where the marshalls were being treated to a meal. That was when I heard that an 18 yr old lad had drowned on the route of the tri swim in Ullswater that afternoon. A tri swim training session had been going on nearby and ended up duck-diving for an hour looking for him. The body needed to be found if the swim was to go turned up in the middle of the night.

I had a fantastic marshall position - good view over lake and fellside, at the top of a hill section just before a downhill bit, and not too far from the start - so easy to get to for me - meant I could take a deck chair! Also had a radio, in case I was still there when england played Germany in the world cup! I was able to give lots of much needed encouragement to alot of totally knackered triathletes, who hadn't yet settled into their running, and were feeling daunted with the miles still to go...and watch a regatta on the lake at the same time!

Falling asleep, so I'll just try and summarise training since..

Sat 26 June - bike - about 30miles, including steep uphill - Kirkstone Pass (2-3 hrs?)
run - Helvellyn route - 9 miles - v steep - 3.5 hrs ish

Wed 30 June 2010 (period)

spin bike session no. 5 - 1 hr
cyclo core cooldown 15 mins

Sat 3rd July, 9.30am - sea swim - lots jellyfish! about 800m, about 30mins
Sun 4th July - 10am - bike - to and from rehearsal at Brinkburn Priory - quite hilly in parts - distance? about 1 hr, 10 mins