Sunday 25 July 2010


Can't do it.

Been at Hardraw, stopping with a friend at the folk festival - for me, the aim being to do the whole bike route followed by the whole run route.

I did do the bike route...but was totally out of it at the end - went into flat in Hardraw where running shoes were, sat down, and fell asleep for 2 hours. Absolutely out of it!

I had done an extra 6 miles or so - to get from Hardraw to Semer water, where the swim is..the first half of the route - up through Askrigg, over the tops to Swaledale, back over the tops again to Hardraw..felt ok. I'm clear in my head that I'm walking much of the steep stuff...i can acually manage some of the steep sections - in isolation - or if there were only a few in the ride...but they take too much out of me to then manage the whole ride, let alone the whole tri. So, I'll definitely be walking the first hill from Semer water (25%). Onto Askrigg..on Saturday, of the 6 parts, I 1.walked (25%), 2.walked (?20%) 3. rode (17%?) 4.walked (20%?) 5. rode (17%?) 6.walked (14%?)....but thinking about it as I walked up the last less steep section, I shouldn't have ridden part 5, and saved my energy to ride part 6, which was longer but less steep. And in retrospect having done the whole ride, I think I probably need to walk part 3 aswell, to preserve energy. Partly it's needing to make sure I take less than 5 hrs to bike overall. But the chain having fallen off at the bottom of the fast descent back into Hardraw off Buttertubs - you immediately have to go uphill again and I messed up changing gears, I was covered in oil, so stopped off at the flat to wash my hands, go to loo, and grab a couple of chocky biscuits, as I was flagging a bit. But it was then hard to get going again, and I struggled to keep a good pace on the longish main road stretch to he Garsdale Station turn. Didn't even bother to attempt riding most of the stretch up to the top after the station - but struggled with staying focussed and energised...the walk up seemed to go on for ever. After dropping down to Dentdale there's a really gentle pretty section along the valley..I kept going ok, but was feeling lacklustre, when this should have been a bit to push on a bit...but then again, maybe I need to accept this is a bit to take it easy. The climb out of Dentdale is then such a was really low. And focus all over the place! I did however push hard and fast the 7 miles back to Hardraw...quie fun! In total, it took 5 hr 2 mins...but without the chain incident and handwashing, and also a few stops for photos..probably would go down to 4hr 45? I had relied on 1 bottle of 6 scoops of perpetuum (3 hr bottle), and 1 of 2 scoops HEED - so guess I was an hour short on fuel....that perpetuum is pretty disgusting though - and it's a long time with only that as main fuel. Might try bananas too...though at least on the day, we don't start til 10am, so time for some breakfast early on - which emotionally will make a difference. Need to gear myself too for really good nights sleep leading into it, and eating well days before.

So this morning (Sun) I did the run - right to the top of Shunner Fell this time (it was in cloud, and the path was flooded when I was there at end of may). Much easier than the Hellvellyn run. Not as steep...then undulating. Mostly runnable, though I took it very easy today, on the basis that I'm going to be too wrecked on the event to run much! Took 3 hrs 20 today - but need to add on the 3 mile return to Hawes...and take off the half hr or so I spent chatting to various Penine way walkers!! So probably about 3.5 hrs. So it's unlikely I'm going to break the 9 hr barrier altogether.

Tactics for surviving? - I'm going to see if Mash will do the run with me. And I'm going to ask various people (Colin, Bec, Mash, kids) if they'll stand at strategic parts of the bike route to encourage and offer banana etc..

And training....need to do more length on the bike - followed by runs of whatever length..I think length not hills is where I'm most lacking...

Saturday, 7.30am - long hilly bike, 50miles, 6 ish hrs

Sunday, 8am - 9miles fell run, Shunner Fell.

It's much harder than Helvellyn. Which took just under 3 hrs, despite being only 4 miles shorter.

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