Wednesday 12 May 2010

aaaghh again

Sore throat, fluey Mon...went to bed at 8pm - actually started feeling weird Sun night, which makes me wonder if it was a reaction to the yellow fields of rapeseed - a few of which I cycled past on Sun evening..

Tues - still off colour - didn't do the planned bike - 10k Les Allcorn event, which I was really frustrated about as it was a beautiful clear blue evening..had to make do with listening to coalition government forming, writing tri club minutes and an early night instead..

Wed - alot better - in fact, more or less fine..went to Warkworth beach and did a 20min slow and gentle warm up run - during which I felt really heavy and sluggish - then 6 x hill repeats up the back of the big sand dune...beautiful evening again..wondering whether to do a spin bike session..?? Don't want to push too hard - but also aware of how close I am to Keswick tri, and how undertrained I am...

Wed 12th may 2010

6pm - short gentle run, hill repeats - Warkworth Beach - along back to Amble pier and back along beach, then
6 x up steep high sand dune and back down a less steep way

9pm - cyclo zen strength and stretch - didn't spin in end, partly as living room full of son and his mountain bike bits

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