Wednesday 5 May 2010

Working hard

Feels like I might be pushing a bit too hard...needed more recovery after the long hilly effort on Sun, before the hard effort last night and tonight...but I'll not beable to do much at the weekend...and haven't done as much as I'd planned..need to try and get more disciplined about sleep though - was really dozy at work today, and nearly drifted off at lunch time.

Monday 3rd May

Lake Swim, Druridge - out to buoy, bird shit island, back to buoy, back to jetty - 600ish m?
Felt better than has done in lake this year so far - slightly warmer, despite there being a cold breeze, so not easy changing after..

Tues 4th May
Tri club bike time trial, tri route - 46mins 23sec (?)

Did 2-3 miles first, from Oaks pub to Lesbury roundabout and back to bridge over A1. Then the time trial, 12miles, undulating. Lots there tonight - I wasn't first off for once. Didn't catch up with the first off, and she was 20 secs or so quicker, and had a good ding dong battle with the second off - I eventually caught her in Boulmer on the bend - she retook me at the bottom of the quarry hill up out of Longhoughton - it was good to have someone to chase up the hill - but she gained a lot of ground and I couldn't see her by the time I was halfway down the other side...but she must've slowed up again coz I caught her going up towards Alnwick Gdns, only to be took back just before the turn - I then managed to not lose sight of her totally, and gradually reel her in after going past the Oaks, and make a sprint to catch her on the line. It was quite exciting! Can't imagine how I managed to go 4 mins faster last year - or how most of the others go so fast - amazing! Still, 3 mins faster than 2 weeks ago, and still quite stiff from Sun's run..

Wed 4th May
Run - Field circuits 8.30pm
8 x 1 circuit of footy field with 1 circuit recovery jog between each
Was pleased, because even though I was totally pooped after each pushing on hard circuit - could hardly jog - by half way round was back to jogging breathing in for 2 out for 3, and by two thirds round, in for 3 out for 4, and ready for next hard effort - probably 90% effort, if not more sometimes. Also, was pretty consistent for all 8:

1;26 1;34 1;32 1;29 1;28 1;32 1;29 1;25

Cyclocore bonus abs (20mins)
Cyclo core cool down (20 mins)

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