Friday 14 May 2010

impromptu run...

A friend texted at 3.30 suggesting a gentle pre-lake-swim run - wasn't going to as it's hard enough to get to the swim..but then I decided to make the effort, since I'll be occupied alot of weekend with helping at Alnwick tri...and time before Keswick's running off I went at 5pm and off we trundled on 2 circuits of the lake with added spur up to road on one of laps...pleasant 'chatty' pace!

Worked harder than lately in the swim - struggled with the water at first - not cold so much as just a bit revolting - the sea's much nicer! Took it slowly with breaks up to the bouy, to allow time to acclimatise and calm my breathing - then headed off to Birdshit Island with a group of 5 - working hardish to stay with them. We decided to do it twice - so was a good workout pre-Keswick. About 1200m? felt better on the 2nd 'lap' - more settled into a rhythm. Would've preferred to have gone up the other end as last week, as it's less 'revolting'! And I find it easier to settle in to a rhythm - not sure why - heading away from sun, so easier to see maybe? But there's a psychological barrier for people who haven't done that end fact, would've been a shorter swim than we did! Hope I didn't overdo/overstay the cold - have a bit of a sore throat again today.

Thursday 13th 2010
Run- 5.45pm - 45mins ish - 4 mile ish, gentle

Lake swim - Druridge - 7pm - 1200m

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