Wednesday 19 May 2010

Training blitz day!

That was yesterday - I went over to Thrunton woods in the morning and did 6-7miles - very hilly, pretty steep, run - beautiful day.

Then before the club time trial, I biked 8ish miles - over the Alnwick Moor Road (A1 (Shilbottle Junction) - and straight over at cross roads and down Lemmington Bank, then right up a road I've never been up before, signed Applewick - goes steeply up to Broome Hill Farm, then undulates - steeply at times - up towards Brizlee RAF balls, meets up with the Alnwick - Rothbury road, drop down to Alnwick. Only just got to time trial in time - then somehow managed a PB for year, though was wilting for a bit on the stretch of road after Boulmer past the RAf station. Someone tried to overtake me at the top of the Quarry Hill, came level, then dropped off - didn't see them again til the road after Denwick dropping down to the river, before the gardens - at which point they went passed VERY fast - so how hey didn't go passed before i don't know! Then had to cycle home, which felt ok, surprisingly.

Sat 15th May 2010
Sat and watched the sea swim - very frustrating as it was a beautiful day - but my throat was sore again - had been since Thurs night after the lake swim. Good for motivation though!

Sun 16th May 2010 - run, 40mins
Having spent all morning marshalling Alnwick tri, I got out myself for a run at Warkworth beach - undulated, at times steeply, thru sand dunes for 10 mins to golf course, back along beach doing a bit of fartlek, 5 x hill repeat up the big sand dune (back of), up the hill back to car.

cyclo speed abs - 20mins

Monday 17th May 2010
Tri pool sesh - 1 hr
200m warm up - every other length backstroke - yuk - but was explained to me that reversing the direction of travel on the joint was good for I persevered even though I find it exhausting as I'm so bad at it.
4x 50m finger trail drill
4x 50m alternating lengths of fist/full
4 x 100m with stroke count on 4th length
2 x 150m with stroke count on 6th length
4 x 25m, 1 min treading water no hands, sprint 25m back
cant remember what else - about 1500 altogether, felt good!

Tuesday 18th May 2010
1hr 25 hilly run, Thrunton Woods - 6-7 miles?
see above

bike - about 8-9 miles - actually, just checking the map, it was more like 11 miles - hilly ride to time trial (see above) about 1 hr, then
45 mins 51? pushing hard at time trial for 12 miles (just under?), then 4 miles mostly uphill home again. 27 miles altogether - warm down at home 15 mins.

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