Sunday 2 May 2010

Fat-loss done - or not much done as the case is..

hmm - not alot of fat lost...3-4 pounds at most..

Was it worth it? I think so, but not 100% convinced. This close to Keswick tri, and down on training, would I have been better off doing a solid training week?

On the positive side - I've eaten a ton of fruit and veg, and no refined sugar (only naturally occuring stuff in fruit - though mostly avoided the really sweet fruits like banana and pineapple). The challenge now is to not think 'ah thank god that's over' and binge on biscuits - well, not exactly binge, as I don't tend to, but just slip back into a biscuit here and there too often..SO - only my 2 rich Tea dippies first thing, and a chocky digestive on the way out of work. NO chocolate button dessert at lunch or choc ices etc after dinner.

And also, I did maintain the discipline to stick to it all week - food wise anyway. Didn't do as many HIT sessions as I should have later in the week, I don't think.

So hopefully at least I've built a firm foundation to carry on dropping a few pounds having established better habits..

Just wish there were a few more weeks before Keswick. Did a 10mile hilly run in Thrunton Woods today. I was really struggling for the first 4miles and thought I'd have to loop back onto the orange route rather than the red, turning it into a 6 miler. Was out of breath even though not going too fast (apart form first couple of miles when I tried to keep up with my sister and a club friend who I might run with regularly (at a more civilised time of day than the wonderful but mad Wooler crew!). I just felt lacking in any energy. Maybe it was that my glycogen stores were still low after the fat-loss week? Or maybe because I'd eaten breakfast not long before...? Anyway, I settled into it a bit more after 45 mins or so - helped by the route (I'd chosen!) flattening out a bit, and the other two had slowed up a bit too. But then 10mins later after a gradual downhill section but just before a steep uphill section, I tripped and fell landing on my knee and elbow. It could've been much worse, just jarred it a bit I think - hurts a bit when I straighten it or bend it alot - but I took it really slowly after that. Beautiful route though - will do again. MUST get into more regular longer/hilly running again...just regular running full stop would be good..but only 3 weeks til Keswick...

Saturday 1st May 10
9.30am - Sea swim, Sugar Sands - so cold - again! Actually, felt slightly warmer last week...but then, I had no carbs in me (last intake of carbs was Thurs breakfast)...also meant I didn't wan
t to swim very far out, in case I ran out of energy for getting back. Bout 20 mins altogether.

Some people look good in wet suits and some....! I asked my son to take some photos for my blog, and he didn't even get one of us in the sea! Typical teenager!

Day 7 of 7 day fat loss week - ate 2 egg cheese omelette at 11isham (after swim), few slices of Edam cheese and ham, plus handful of blueberries, raspberries and chopped apple. (no plain yog unfortunately as I'd run out). Didn't do the required HIT before my carb boost meal (though had swam in freezing conditions that morning..) as was on a date! Which I took advantage of for the carbs boost by accepting an offer of pizza delivery - ham and pineapple, with garlic bread.

Sunday 2nd May 2010
Long run - 10 miles ish - Thrunton Woods, noon
(see above) - very roughly 2.25 hrs, prob a bit longer...very hilly

Plan for week of 3rd May 2010

Mon 3rd May (bank hol) -
cycle scenic route to Druridge lake for lake swim - run round lake twice, then aim for end of lake and back (900m ish?) if anyone to bud up with at my slow speed, or else to far side then birdshit island, back to far side and back to jetty (about 700?), then cycle home. (total cycle about 25m)

ok, well, swam to Birdshit - probably nearer 600m - didn't bike or run.. but was pretty stiff and tired after hilly run the day before, and sore from fall. (20ish mins)

Tues 4th May - am, cyclocore 3 circuits and bonus abs.
evening - 5.45pm - bike to time trial via alnmouth Stn/Lesbury bridge.

didn't do all this either - met a friend for lunch and a walk and back later than planned. Did the time trial though, with a few extra miles before.. (1hr)

Wed 5th May - HIT run - field circuits - haven't got list handy to see where I'm up to
Big tick!! Did as planned, and pleased with the effort too (40mins) - also did cyclocore bonus abs, and warmdown - (20mins )

Thurs 6th May - swim at Druridge 800ish, run round lake twice
Yes to swim, but no run..(30 mins)...but did do 40mins Spin bike with Graeme (cycloclub) - no. 9, metabolic boost, (didn't do all of it due to time)

Fri 7th - rest

Sat 8th May -
sea swim 9.30ish (got concert 1pm)...might do cyclospin in evening/Sun evening
no sea swim - stayed in bed - needed rest and home time

Sunday 9th May - am, cyclozen strength and stretch (got concert 3pm)
did cyclospeed circuits 1 and 2 before concert, and 'Loose in 5' (30mins)
did 20miles gentle but quite hilly bike ride, 2 hours - so that was a bonus!!

total training hours this week: 6 hours

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