Saturday 13 February 2010


Struck down with flu Wed 3rd...which became simply a heavy cold...didn't take time off work when probably should have, or maybe it would've cleared by now? Have done NO training (or singing) since then though. It's now reached my should be in final stages at last...

ok, the date for Wensleydale tri - Sunday 8th August 2010

just got to enter it now...maybe next week...

Have also decided I will do Helvellyn again! There's a few of us from the club going to be doing it, in part encouraged by my efforts last year. So that 5th Sept

My other events this year are:

Glentress Mountain bike duathlon (the long one, as against their short and medium) - 28th feb - I'm going to be way undertrained for that, having had this roten cold. Hoping I'll be well enough for a half term trip to Glentress next weekend with my elder son and his mates..

Galashiels Sprint distance triathlon - Sun 18th April - it'll be my 3rd. Last year the swim had got slower, but the bike and run had improved.

Keswick Mountain Festival triathlon - 23rd May - again, another repeat - but did enjoy this one last year..they introduced a shorter event too this year, but having already done the longer one I stuck with that.

That's it. She says firmly. I'm also tempted by various other events. But I'm trying to resist. Money and time are both limited. I'd really like to do the Castles triathlon...swimming in the sea a Bamburgh, cycling down to Alnwick castle adn running round the castle grounds. Also, would probably have done one of the Ashington based ones - but the timing of them is bad - one clashes with Galashiels, and one was too close to something else...same with the Cleveland Steelman. And the long hard durty - at St Mary's Loch (Selkirk) would have been fun - I did the short hard durty a couple of years ago as my first open water event. But it's the week before Wensley. It's also a relatively expensive year for 'other' hols.

Longer longer term!!............... had this mad idea of wanting to do an Ironman! The main problem is time/energy for I was thinking maybe in 2012? Because my younger son will be old enough to be left for longer by then..he'll be 13 in Sep 2011.

I'd also like to do the Fred Whitton cycle challenge in the Lake District, and the Marmot, in France? Somewhere alps I think! It just sounded good when I heard someone describing it. Not sure when. I'd like to do one of them next year....just so hard to practically organise, and afford..

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