Tuesday 2 February 2010

Round and round - in the dining room - and the footy field..

Mon 1st Feb - swim - tri club pool sesh, 1hr, 8-9pm (1400m)

400m - mostly catchup/warmup (was s'posed to be doing 4 x 100 of 50fs, 50back stroke - but I HATE backstroke. It's taken me long enough to get vaguely proficient at FS, without feeling like I'm drowning - especially when someone goes over the top of me - doing BS!)

2 x (25m FS, 2 mins vertical kick (no arms), 25m sprint)

4 x (100m, 10 secs res, 25m sprint)

4 x 50m finger trail

4 x 50m touching float between legs and end of each stroke

Tuesday 2nd Feb

cyclo spin no.4 'cottage of Wattage' 10.45am, 70mins

Would've done no.3, but it jammed after 15 mins - good job I was letting it run ahead before starting, to avoid buffering delays...these classes are available online for members of 'Cycloclub' - I'm excited because I've only been able to take advantage of them since I got a decent computer. The frusrating thing is that on my last year's membership, I could've downloaded loads of stuff as had a higher level membership (specifically for that reason) - but my computer was never up to it..

It wasn't as hard as doing the yoga spin thing the other day (apart form trying to stay in 'down dog' position for so long!). My legs are flopy now though - but that's partly because I went straight on, more or less to:

run - 'field circuits' - 27mins

As I've not managed to get up to wooler running club on Tues evenings for one reason or another, and therefore missed loads of the winter speed/hill work, I'm aiming to do field circuits once a week. I got a programme from a 'beginners working towards 5k and 10k events...wrote it down 2/3 years ago - and adapted it to do around our local footy field...but have never done more than about 3 sessions. (I'm only using 1 day out of the weekly programme)

today's: 4 x (2 circuits, 1 circuit jog recovery)

I ran the first circuit too fast, so had to do the recovery lap after only one lap...paced myself better for the next 3 lots. Hard!

Planned shape for training weeks, term time til Easter:

Mon -
either swim - (tri-pool sesh) (1hr), OR cyclo zen 'fix the back stay in the drops' strength and stretch or cyclocore 'bonus abs' followed by cyclospeed circuit 4, or cyclospeed active stretching and circuit 4.
Probably mostly the swim whilst not going to Wooler on the Tues evenings - which is probably til Easter ish

Tues - cycloclub spin bike session - work through all in order (about 70 - 80 mins)
- run - field circuits - 30mins ish
- (swim if didn't do on the Mon) 1 hr 40-50mins

Wed - rest

Thurs - cyclocore circuits 1,2,3,4 or cyclospeed circuits 1,2,3, cyclocore 4(cooldown) 1hr

Fri -

Sat - long hilly run, 10-14 miles, 2 - 3 hrs (or rest)

Sun -
rest or run (1,5 -2hrs) if didn't yesterday, or cyclo core bonus abs etc (see Mon) if swimming tomorrow.

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