Friday 30 April 2010

7 day fat-loss - Day 6 - nearly there...!

Thank goodness this fat loss week is nearly done - though i've managed it way better than I thought I would, it's getting really boring now - and pretty floppy just at moment - but then it is Fri night, and I've worked extra shifts this week...and I even did the Fri chippy run earlier, as my Dad's not well - how torturous was that!! (ie on a no carbs day..)

Thurs 29th April - Day 5
Hadn't checked the menu templates provided by cycloclub - so thought today was 'low carbs' (ie for breakfast, but not lunch or dinner) - but it was in fact supposed to be 'moderate carbs' - which meant I could've had them for lunch too - so that's extra Brownie points for me!! Much to my dismay though, I weighed myself at lunch time and it was back up to 11 st 3, (where I started), having dropped down to 11 on Tues....

Had Fruit n Fibre brekky cerial, blueberries and apple for breakfast;
purple sprouting brocolli leaves with chopped chicken and Edam cheese with olive oil dressing for lunch, plus blueberries, raspberries, banana and chopped apple in yeo Valley natural yoghurt;
and for dinner, cauliflower and carrot with white sauce - ah - oops - made that with bit of cornlour just realised - oh well - and cheese on top - bake - made 2 and had other for lunch Fri

Friday 30th April - Day 6
breakfast -
2 eggs omelette with a pepper chopped in it
lunch as dinner yesterday
dinner - roast veg (turnip, carrot, brocolli, cabbage, pepper - chpped up small) cooked in olive oil and tamari sauce in oven for hours..with parmesan grated on top; blueberries and raspberries with natural yoghurt

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Fat loss day 4 - carbo boost day

Hooray - made it to the carbo boost meal this evening - LOADSAPASTA! And simple tomato sauce. And a choc-ice. 3 days to go. Worried about tomorrow as I should've shopped today- lunch will be a struggle. Been pretty tired and floppy today - not surprising given my last carbs were Mon morning. Had 2 egg cheese omelette for breakfast (8am), cashew nuts at snacktime at preschool (10.30), chickpea, chicken and purple sprouting brocolli leaf salad with olive oil dressing, smoothie for lunch, a few peanuts/grapes..

Wed 28th April 2010
cyclospeed circuits 1 and 3, about 20mins - just before the carboboost meal - to totally drain the glycogen stores and switch on fat burning enzymes....

HIT run (high intensity training) - field circuits, from Runners World programme -
jog to field, jog gently round twice, then
7 circuits (1 circuit recovery jog), 7 circuits, (jog recovery back to house)
each 7 circuits took about 13.5 mins
Was breathing in for 3 strides, out for 4 on jogs, and in for 2 out for 3 on efforts.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Fat-loss Day 3

Not doing too badly surviving the 'very low carbs day' - though did decide not to do bike time trial - as the programme says no exercise today...(though will do cyclospeed abs later...)..means I can swim tomorrow night, even though went last night (as was there anyway for committee meeting.)..need to do more swimming at moment anyway, try and rediscover a bit of technique and confidence..

So the Fat loss programme goes like this:

Day 1 (sun 25th) - moderate carbs - carbs at breakfast and lunch but not for evening meal. (had turnip, carrot, brocolli, cauli beef and gravy...)...and cut all biscuits/other sugar - even my morning dippy biscuits...that's the hardest bit!
Medium run - 1hr, in dunes at Warkworth - Alnmouth - worked hard and felt good.

Day 2 (Mon 26th) - low carbs - carbs at breakfast (high fibre Kellogs fruit n fibre cerial with blueberries and chopped apple), but not for rest of day. Had cashews for snack at preschool, sliced chicken breast with rocket,spinach and watercress salad (Sainsburys bag), pine nuts, olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing, grapes for lunch, apple after work; smoked haddock, brocolli, onion, garlic with cheddar cheese on top bake for dinner.
swim - 1 hr - tri club pool sesh - 200m warm up, 10 x 100m on 2min 15ish, 10 x 50m on 1min, 4 x 25m not breathing much! 100m warm down

total 1900m, felt good - and most of the 100s were under or around 2mins without being breathless at the end of each length - so what was all that nonsense at Galashiels tri about?

Day 3 (Tues 27th) - very low carbs - no carbs at all today. Had cheese and onion omelette - couldn't stomach it well at 8am though, so took it into work to have cold later - could stomach it even less then!! having toast under eggs is so much nicer!
Cashews for snack.
Ham salad (as above), grapes, smoothie for lunch
a banana, cocoa and semi skimmed milk shake after work (to perk up son, as he's trying to do first half of week aswell - I would probably have given banana a miss otherwise), and an apple, and a few peanuts
grilled salmon, brocolli, carrots, chickpeas (half tin), some green stuff out of my fortnightly organic veg bag (not sure what it was!) - mixed into a warm dressing of 2 cloves garlic fried gently in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Saturday 24th April
Sea swim - back into stride a bit more - swam for about 20mins fairly solidly. Half way through I abandoned the neoprene socks, to start acclimatising my feet for keswick...Really enjoyed today..

Bike (1hr 50)- went to my choir rehearsal in Embleton and back...took about 50 mins to get there - longer to get back, as not in a hurry! Lovely ride - apart from the wheel falling off when I arrived, got off the bike and lifted it to park it against the wall. I'd wondered what the rattle was...but hadn't noticed the wheel coming off - guess my weight had kept it on. Good job I didn't hit any pot holes...managed to sing fine, so pleased!
Guessing about 12 miles each way? I'll try and check on Thurs at next rehearsal...

Friday 23 April 2010


Fearfully focussing - on account of having just planned a cycloclub fat-loss week from Sunday. I hate doing them...(mostly avoid due to lack of courage!)...and this will be the first with working nearly full have just been menu planning...don't know if I'll cope with it, but will try..need to work out some emergency snacks for in preschool, and also need to suss when/how to train eg is a time trial on bike on Tue wise? (day 3, no carbs at all that day) - or does it count as a HIT (high intensity training) - need to look up folder - think it's upstairs...

But if I can kick-start losing a few pounds before Keswick tri (23rd May) that'd make a big difference to how I feel doing it - especially the steep run...

Thurs 22nd April 2010

lake swim - with tri club, Druridge - to buoy, then birdshit island and back to jetty - felt breathless due to cold and stopped alot on way to buoy - gradually improved and swam for longer periods, and relaxed more. Very cold interesting to see what the sea feels like tomorrow morning (haven't been in for couple of weeks). I've been surprised just how cold the lake has felt the last 2 weeks...

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Getting into training frenzy...

Probably not the best idea so soon after the triathlon and whilst still bleeding heavily....but need to get going while the motivation to turn Sunday's bad times round a bit is fresh..

Tuesday 20th April 2010

bike - time trial - Alnwick tri route
nice bright, if cold, evening...did 49;22 - felt like I was pushing as hard as I could - but alot of room for improvement, as managed 42mins last year, without even doing time trials regularly..was much slower than everyone else out...oh well, got a base line, and felt good..

Wed 21st April 2010

run - field circuits - was planning to swim wednesdays, but still no car or bike lights, so did the next off the list of what I call my 'field circuits' - based on part of a training plan from a runners world mag years ago....

slow jog to field at end of road and 2 x circuit to warm up, gentle
5 x 2.5 circuits, with 1 circuit recovery jog between each - managed 2;32 2;24 2;34 2;24 2;20
then 2 circuits warm down and home. about 35 mins altogether.

cyclocore abs - about 10 mins, hard
cyclocore warm down - about 20 mins

Monday 19 April 2010


I'm officially deteriorating at triathlon. Feel a bit crap about it. Don't mind being relatively rubbish - ie compared to most others doing triathlon....but getting worse is definitely crappy.

So - the actual event:

18th April 2010
Galashiels Sprint triathlon: 750m swim (pool), 20k bike, 5k run

time: swim 17;33 t1 2;54 bike 52;22 T2 2;21 run 31;15 total 1;46;25

Swim - managed ok - but a bit out of breath at the end of most lengths....not usually like that - must've been pushing a bit harder than was up to. The actual swimming didn't feel too bad...and I was really lucky as there was only one other person in my lane, and it was on the far side from spectators.

Bike - felt really cold coming out from the pool to outside, and it was raining. A few minutes into he course is a short, but steepish hill...didn't look as steep as last year! The woman ahead of me - who had whizzed passed coming out of T1 was really struggling - wobbling all over he place. I tried to urge her on, but she gave up - almost fell off - then 'ice skated' in drunken manner on her bike shoes! Was a bit sad - but only a bit! made me feel i was doing ok! Felt I was pushing quite hard for most of the ride, and going ok. Stayed down in drops alot of time. But it was very cold. And a strong breeze too. In t2 I couldn't feel the catch on my helmet strap, let alone undo it - managed in end.

Run - was a different route than last few years - a bit hillier and more fun! Though not going up the steps - which I couldn't manage to the 2nd lap, I could feel my feet again! Didn't feel too awful, though as usual, the run for me was little more than hanging on in there..someone overtook me not too far from the end - which was good, as I could try not to let the gap grow too much, and try and catch him in a sprint at the end - not that I did...

Analysing later...

Disappointed with time. It was worse than the last 2 years, which is awful! Some of the factors:

Lack of training...this time last year, although I'd had a few weeks off due to illness not long before (as this year), I had been doing much more training earlier - especially swimming and running. Basically, I was psyched up to train thru fear of Helvellyn!

Really cold on the bike.

Middle of period

Not sure what weight I was this time last year, but I'm 11.5 stone now, as against 10 ish most of last year.....

SO, aims leading up to Keswick:

- up the training big time
- lose weight - cut the crap this week - especially at work. Cyclo-club fat-loss week next week.
- gain some basic fitness through HIT training - in all 3 disciplines - time trials on Tuesdays on bike - cycling to and from to up the miles (Keswick is about 25m), 100m repeats and technique, as well as longer distances in pool, aswell as building up to 800m open water and acclimatising..some field circuits running (use plan from runners world), aswell as upping the distance and hills at weekends.
- more abs exercise, aswell as continuing core

Will have to build these aims into more specific ''whens' plan tomorrow..

Friday 16 April 2010

Going to Galashiels....

Or at least, to Peebles/Glentress tomorrow where I'll camp - or at least, older son and his friend will and I'll be in Dad's heatable van..they'll go mountain biking and I'm planning on a gentle day at the site in Peebles - maybe a swim or a gentle bike ride...see what I feel like. I don't want to hire a bike though - spent too much already these hols - and I'm actually still stiff from cyclospeed circuits Wed...and don't want to be totally done in for Sun - not that I'm exactly psyched up for the sprint tri at Galashiels. I think I might actually end up going slower than last year...feels weird going back to a sprint after all the longer ones last year. Was weird getting stuff sorted and not having to think about fueling/hydration. Should've got my bike checked over though - and the handle bars re-taped - hope the bikes don't get inspected too closely..

Quite looking forward to a restful day's been quite full-on these hols - haven't got all the paperwork I was supposed to do for work finished - didn't make it in to do DIY bits either...we were at a wedding, my cousin's in Midlands, then over to son's Nanna's in Runcorn for 3 nights - at least I got a short run and a good solid swim in there. And manic boy mountain bike things to sort since...madness...he's ended up with a 'new' one...the carpet was covered in oil - then white spirit..I seem to've been running round bike repair shops getting them to undo his attempts at repairs...

Monday 12th April 2010
8.30am, 20 min run to pool in Runcorn, swim for 45 mins ish, 20 min run back
swim - 200m warm up (BS, catch up), 4x 100m on 2min 30, 750m continuous, 3x 50 relaxed warm down. 1500 altogether

Wed 14th April 2010
9pm - cyclospeed circuits 1,2 - felt sluggish (30mins)
- 10mins relaxed run to friends for alcoholic recovery

Thurs 15th April 2010
6pm - run - 40mins - gently twice round lake at Druridge - with dad's dog - necessary to scare off killer swans....
7pm - swim - in lake, about 600m? 500m mostly continuously...hard to get into relaxing in to continuous swimming in cold water again...apparently it was much warmer than the sea, but still felt pretty cold..good start though....must keep it up before Keswick.

Friday 9 April 2010

Kielder on mountain bike

Tuesday - we eventually made it to Kielder at 12.30...started later than planned...partly hard to get organised - should've done it day before bit had really stinking row with son which almost threatened going at all, so didn't get anything sorted and was in bed too late.

Beautiful drive over - I must do some road biking between Rothbury - Elsdon - Otterburn - Kielder - or at least, the turn to Kielder off Otterburn - Bellingham road - actually gets more boring towards Kielder - all man-made scenery and not such sweeping views.

Was hard getting going...but after first 20mins or so I was managing better - this is partly mental aswell as physical - it takes my 'virgoan' brain time to stop worrying about every stone in the path - and realise (again) that I can let the bike do the work on the whole..and it'll manage most stones fine! It's always really good for me - relaxing - as I gradually 'let go' fears and start to enjoy it more. And physically, fantastic for leg power and lungs - and mental strength too going up those endless fire roads..

Tuesday 6th April 2010

1.30 ish - Mountain bike, 2.5 hrs ish - up the Deadwater trail and back

4pm - Run - half hour - felt good

Thurs 8th April, 2pm, 10 mins - Sea swim - did bit of swimming - but so cold - struggled with my hands - perhaps the pink marigolds of last week did make a difference? Felt colder today than last week, although calm and a nice day...

Sunday 4 April 2010

Sloggy and soggy (again)

Unlike yesterday, when I had lots of energy, today felt like hard work. Think I was feeling the effects of working hard yesterday. Went to Thrunton Woods with my son. He reckied for new mountain bike trails whilst I ran - gently, where possible, (vaguely remember something on cycloclub somewhere saying it's better to train either in zone 2 (gentle) or zone 4 (above threshold but not absolutely full out) than somewhere in between), for about 5-6 miles, and got hailed on. Pretty boggy underfoot - especially on a steep uphill section. Felt better afterwards than before though!

Sunday 4th April 2010
medium run, 1.25 hrs (ish), 5-6 miles, hilly and muddy

Saturday 3 April 2010

Motivated - soggily

I was going to go for a longish bike ride today - but the clouds looked ominously dark - so I decided to do my local Guyzance Loop, followed by a short run in the footy field...Got about a third of the way in when the rain started to fall. I got very wet. And felt colder than after swimming in the sea yesterday (which apparently was 3 degrees). So instead of the field, I peeled off the dripping clothes (added some more!) and did a cyclospeed circuit and active stretching instead.

Sat 3rd April 2010

bike -1 hour-ish - 12-13 miles ish, hilly

down out of Shilbottle, steady climb up to South Moor farm, drop down to Coquet river, steady then steep climb with hairpin up to Guyzance, flat for a while before climbing, steeply at times, up to Hart Law, mostly down to Shilbottle. Managed Guyzance ok, struggled a bit with Hart Law...emphasized need to just get out there regularly for a few weeks and get some on road's tempting not to bother with shorted rides and not get round to longer ones, and substitute indoor workouts instead...but need to go out more now...

Friday 2 April 2010

Easter Holiday planning...

Well, all of a sudden it seems to be Easter! Didn't even think of buying any eggs til 2 hrs ago, and there were very few left!

Let's look at my calendar:

2 weeks til Galashiels Sprint tri (18th April)

7 weeks til Keswick Tri (800m lake swim, 25mile bike, 8k (?) fell run (23rd May)

Need to do some biking this week, as away the week leading up to Galashiels and not taking the bike. Going to Kielder on Tues I hope - if I can borrow the van. Still no car - in garage. But will have 2 mountain bikes on it already. So definitely a long hilly run day. Shame I can't fit road bike on the rack aswell - maybe I can - must have a close look. I'd love to do some road biking round that area...

Will aim to swim Wed evening - and following wed evening aswell, at tri pool sessions...the first means I need to aim to do planned Imax cinema/Ikea trip earlier in day rather that later..the latter depends on how the journey back from Runcorn goes. Might manage a swim in Runcorn on the Tues...

So tomorrow ought to be a long bike day...might head out Rothbury way in the afternoon - have cake in a cafe!
Sun a run - with some fartlek - faster bursts
Mon a core strength/abs sesh
Tues - long hilly run
Thurs a cyclospin..followed by a short run as a brick
a week mon and Tue a swim and a run
Wed a swim
Thurs a sprint tri distance bike - might just go round Alnwick route....and Lake swim with tri club in evng at Druridge

So that sounds like a short term plan anyway.

Need to try and do a couple of pool sessions - just to build my confidence - it's too late to improve much. At least i know I can still get that far in a pool as did 10 days ago...

pink gloves and hat....!

Height of fashion I was, heading into the sea for the first time this year, wearing borrowed pink marigolds and a pink swim hat (over 3 other hats)....well, I always thought I needed to make an effort to look better in tri photos!!

Was a beautiful, but very cold morning....snow covered the Cheviots in the distance - but at least the icy wind of yesterday had dropped (some of our group went in for April fools - luckily I was at work!), and the sea was very calm.

And what a revelation neoprene boots are - absolutely brilliant! And very comfy too! ...could do with some for my hands too - the marigolds weren't much use! But then fashion doesn't have to be useful! This time last year it took a week of acclimatising just my feet - because the cold water hurt them so much. Straight in this year. Even getting my face in felt ok. The only bit that got sore was my neck. Can you get neoprene scarves, I wonder? I didn't do more than a few strokes a few times - going in and out a few times - though actually, I probably could have done more, but didn't want to push it too far too soon. Felt fun and I was glad to be back out there. Managed about 6-7 mins.

My belly is still suffering from the abs exercises on Tues!

Sea Swim - Sugar sands, 10am, Fri 2nd April, 6-7 mins - lovely!