Monday 19 April 2010


I'm officially deteriorating at triathlon. Feel a bit crap about it. Don't mind being relatively rubbish - ie compared to most others doing triathlon....but getting worse is definitely crappy.

So - the actual event:

18th April 2010
Galashiels Sprint triathlon: 750m swim (pool), 20k bike, 5k run

time: swim 17;33 t1 2;54 bike 52;22 T2 2;21 run 31;15 total 1;46;25

Swim - managed ok - but a bit out of breath at the end of most lengths....not usually like that - must've been pushing a bit harder than was up to. The actual swimming didn't feel too bad...and I was really lucky as there was only one other person in my lane, and it was on the far side from spectators.

Bike - felt really cold coming out from the pool to outside, and it was raining. A few minutes into he course is a short, but steepish hill...didn't look as steep as last year! The woman ahead of me - who had whizzed passed coming out of T1 was really struggling - wobbling all over he place. I tried to urge her on, but she gave up - almost fell off - then 'ice skated' in drunken manner on her bike shoes! Was a bit sad - but only a bit! made me feel i was doing ok! Felt I was pushing quite hard for most of the ride, and going ok. Stayed down in drops alot of time. But it was very cold. And a strong breeze too. In t2 I couldn't feel the catch on my helmet strap, let alone undo it - managed in end.

Run - was a different route than last few years - a bit hillier and more fun! Though not going up the steps - which I couldn't manage to the 2nd lap, I could feel my feet again! Didn't feel too awful, though as usual, the run for me was little more than hanging on in there..someone overtook me not too far from the end - which was good, as I could try not to let the gap grow too much, and try and catch him in a sprint at the end - not that I did...

Analysing later...

Disappointed with time. It was worse than the last 2 years, which is awful! Some of the factors:

Lack of training...this time last year, although I'd had a few weeks off due to illness not long before (as this year), I had been doing much more training earlier - especially swimming and running. Basically, I was psyched up to train thru fear of Helvellyn!

Really cold on the bike.

Middle of period

Not sure what weight I was this time last year, but I'm 11.5 stone now, as against 10 ish most of last year.....

SO, aims leading up to Keswick:

- up the training big time
- lose weight - cut the crap this week - especially at work. Cyclo-club fat-loss week next week.
- gain some basic fitness through HIT training - in all 3 disciplines - time trials on Tuesdays on bike - cycling to and from to up the miles (Keswick is about 25m), 100m repeats and technique, as well as longer distances in pool, aswell as building up to 800m open water and acclimatising..some field circuits running (use plan from runners world), aswell as upping the distance and hills at weekends.
- more abs exercise, aswell as continuing core

Will have to build these aims into more specific ''whens' plan tomorrow..

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