Friday 2 April 2010

pink gloves and hat....!

Height of fashion I was, heading into the sea for the first time this year, wearing borrowed pink marigolds and a pink swim hat (over 3 other hats)....well, I always thought I needed to make an effort to look better in tri photos!!

Was a beautiful, but very cold morning....snow covered the Cheviots in the distance - but at least the icy wind of yesterday had dropped (some of our group went in for April fools - luckily I was at work!), and the sea was very calm.

And what a revelation neoprene boots are - absolutely brilliant! And very comfy too! ...could do with some for my hands too - the marigolds weren't much use! But then fashion doesn't have to be useful! This time last year it took a week of acclimatising just my feet - because the cold water hurt them so much. Straight in this year. Even getting my face in felt ok. The only bit that got sore was my neck. Can you get neoprene scarves, I wonder? I didn't do more than a few strokes a few times - going in and out a few times - though actually, I probably could have done more, but didn't want to push it too far too soon. Felt fun and I was glad to be back out there. Managed about 6-7 mins.

My belly is still suffering from the abs exercises on Tues!

Sea Swim - Sugar sands, 10am, Fri 2nd April, 6-7 mins - lovely!

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