Tuesday 27 April 2010

Fat-loss Day 3

Not doing too badly surviving the 'very low carbs day' - though did decide not to do bike time trial - as the programme says no exercise today...(though will do cyclospeed abs later...)..means I can swim tomorrow night, even though went last night (as was there anyway for committee meeting.)..need to do more swimming at moment anyway, try and rediscover a bit of technique and confidence..

So the Fat loss programme goes like this:

Day 1 (sun 25th) - moderate carbs - carbs at breakfast and lunch but not for evening meal. (had turnip, carrot, brocolli, cauli beef and gravy...)...and cut all biscuits/other sugar - even my morning dippy biscuits...that's the hardest bit!
Medium run - 1hr, in dunes at Warkworth - Alnmouth - worked hard and felt good.

Day 2 (Mon 26th) - low carbs - carbs at breakfast (high fibre Kellogs fruit n fibre cerial with blueberries and chopped apple), but not for rest of day. Had cashews for snack at preschool, sliced chicken breast with rocket,spinach and watercress salad (Sainsburys bag), pine nuts, olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing, grapes for lunch, apple after work; smoked haddock, brocolli, onion, garlic with cheddar cheese on top bake for dinner.
swim - 1 hr - tri club pool sesh - 200m warm up, 10 x 100m on 2min 15ish, 10 x 50m on 1min, 4 x 25m not breathing much! 100m warm down

total 1900m, felt good - and most of the 100s were under or around 2mins without being breathless at the end of each length - so what was all that nonsense at Galashiels tri about?

Day 3 (Tues 27th) - very low carbs - no carbs at all today. Had cheese and onion omelette - couldn't stomach it well at 8am though, so took it into work to have cold later - could stomach it even less then!! having toast under eggs is so much nicer!
Cashews for snack.
Ham salad (as above), grapes, smoothie for lunch
a banana, cocoa and semi skimmed milk shake after work (to perk up son, as he's trying to do first half of week aswell - I would probably have given banana a miss otherwise), and an apple, and a few peanuts
grilled salmon, brocolli, carrots, chickpeas (half tin), some green stuff out of my fortnightly organic veg bag (not sure what it was!) - mixed into a warm dressing of 2 cloves garlic fried gently in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Saturday 24th April
Sea swim - back into stride a bit more - swam for about 20mins fairly solidly. Half way through I abandoned the neoprene socks, to start acclimatising my feet for keswick...Really enjoyed today..

Bike (1hr 50)- went to my choir rehearsal in Embleton and back...took about 50 mins to get there - longer to get back, as not in a hurry! Lovely ride - apart from the wheel falling off when I arrived, got off the bike and lifted it to park it against the wall. I'd wondered what the rattle was...but hadn't noticed the wheel coming off - guess my weight had kept it on. Good job I didn't hit any pot holes...managed to sing fine, so pleased!
Guessing about 12 miles each way? I'll try and check on Thurs at next rehearsal...

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